It's been a while, so... yay, time for 5 random things! This week's theme: OBSESSION (by Calvin Kline).
This was literally the third thing to come up on Google Images when I searched "Obsession". |
- I love drag queens and I am ADDICTED to "RuPaul's Drag Race". Like, I watch the re-runs from previous seasons when there's nothing good on TV. To be fair, I'm a full-on ally to the LGBTQ community, but drag queens are like a whole 'notha level for me, and I've been a RuPaul fan since "Supermodel" came out when I was a pre-teen. My bachelorette party was even at a drag bar - and I didn't even plan it! My bridal party (one of whom was a gay man) knew me THAT WELL. While I don't know the struggles of the average LGBTQ and can never claim that same pain, I think what makes me so attracted to drag queens is that idea of changing who you are temporarily into who you want to be... like, taking on a whole new persona and escaping themselves for a little while AND making people love you while doing it! Man, I want to be a drag queen. Michelle Visage gets to be one, why can't I? *pouts*
- I have been obsessed with getting my weird curly/wavy hair texture to look good... and it finally does! It'll get its own post, though - yes, it merits its own post. Seriously, it looks SO GOOD now.
- I am in full-on OBSESSED mode on Sunday nights again. Seriously, Sunday nights are my favorite nights of the week, at least TV-wise. I get my double-dose of awesome in the form of "Game of Thrones" and "Mad Men". My friend T got me into the book series that "GoT" is based on (A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin) right around the TV series was getting ready to start airing; I read the first book before the first episode, and I was HOOKED. I moved through the first 3 books in about 4 months - and they are DENSE books. I've read the 4th one in the series, but it was such a let-down after the 3rd one (which is basically all climax and pay-off from the first two books) that I haven't bothered with the most recent book in the series; T re-read the 4th one recently and said that he thinks I should give it another shot. The show is hit or miss on my overall satisfaction (I'm one of THOSE fans), but I really do enjoy the show and the roles are, for the most part, PERFECTLY cast. Plus we're hitting Book 3 in the show version and it is already getting SO GOOD.
As for "Mad Men", the fabulous bloggers Tom and Lorenzo kept talking about it after the first season, so when AMC had a season 1 marathon pre-season 2, I checked it out and got hooked. I'll confess, at first it was the pretty costumes and attention to detail that kept me watching; it really feels like you're watching a live feed via a time machine. But the story... oh my GOD, THE STORY. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Mad Men" is a slow-burning mile-long fuse that is attached to a sh**-ton of dynamite. This season is only in the 4th episode and I'm already going WHAAAAAAT and doing head-snaps and finger-shakes.
- I know I'm not new or unique in this, but OMG I cannot stop with Pinterest. If I'm ever bored, I just go kill a couple hours on there. Sheesh. I have over 1300 pins. The amount of pins I've actually used/tried? I think maybe 10 to 20... and mostly recipes. Seriously, I have some GREAT craft ideas pinned, I need to get crackin'.
- Internet memes and .gifs are my life. Hence my other favorite websites, Tumblr and Buzzfeed, which have plenty of both. Seriously, I have a GIF file with 170 gifs in it. Sometimes I just look at them because they're all funny or awesome.
Wow. All my obsessions are kind of... um, ridiculous. Ah well, that's how obsessions work, right?
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